Bar Chart - vertaling naar Engels
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Bar Chart - vertaling naar Engels

Bar-chart; Bar graph; Bar Chart; Double bar graph; Barchart; Horizontal Bar Graph; Bargraph; Bar diagram; 📊; Bar plot; Column chart; Column bar chart; Stacked bar chart; Grouped bar chart; Grouped bar graph; Stacked bar graph; Bar charts
  • Example of a grouped (clustered) bar chart, one with horizontal bars.

bar chart         
(n.) = diagrama de barras
Ex: The pie charts, graphs and bar charts were produced using Grafix software.
bar chart         
diagrama de columnas, gráfico de columnas
Bar Chart         
Gráfico de barras
Una representación gráfica del movimiento de precios revelando el precio más alto, el precio más bajo, cierre, y a veces los precios de apertura del día. Una línea vertical es trazada para corresponder con el alcance del precio del día, mientras una "marca" horizontal apuntando hacia la izquierda revela el precio de apertura, y una "marca" hacia la derecha indica el precio de cierre. Luego de varios días de graficar, comienzan a emerger pautas que los técnicos interpretan para sus predicciones de precios.


sust. masc. fig. fam.
Persona mala, traviesa, díscola.


Bar chart

A bar chart or bar graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called a column chart.

A bar graph shows comparisons among discrete categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other axis represents a measured value. Some bar graphs present bars clustered in groups of more than one, showing the values of more than one measured variable.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Bar Chart
1. Just across the bar chart here, you've
Criminology - A Very Short Introduction _ Tim Newburn _ Talks at Google
2. So slightly complicated multicolored bar chart.
Criminology - A Very Short Introduction _ Tim Newburn _ Talks at Google
3. minutes you can get a bar chart of your saboteurs.
Positive Intelligence _ Shirzad Chamine _ Talks at Google
4. to figure out a bar chart of your top saboteurs.
Positive Intelligence _ Shirzad Chamine _ Talks at Google
5. You all know how to read a bar chart.
Obsessed (2009)
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Bar Chart
1. A bar chart of sausage sales shows premium and super–premium brands taking just over half the market.
2. Function–F7?") and collapsing his speech into six slides, complete with a bar chart depicting four score and seven years.
3. A telling bar chart compared G8 aid per African to European Union subsidies per cow –– the latter being nearly 30 times larger than the former.
4. And according to the World Bank Development Indicators of 2006, the OIC countries produce so few patents that they are invisible on a bar chart in comparison with other countries.
5. A bar chart in the Pentagon‘s report to Congress gave no exact numbers but indicated the weekly average had approached 1,000 in the latest period, compared with about 800 per week from the May–to–August period.